21st Century Glute Training Workshop in Christchurch This Weekend
Just wanted to post a quick blog to alert my readers about two glute workshops this weekend in Christchurch. I’ll be doing one on Saturday and another on Sunday. If you’re in the Christchurch area then you should definitely come. The evaluation forms from last week’s workshop in Auckland were phenomenal. It’s one thing to learn by reading and watching videos, but to learn by doing with a highly-qualified instructor supervising is much more effective. And the information in this workshop is top notch – I reference over 50 studies, many of them very recent studies, and the workshop is incredibly thorough and comprehensive.
I know it’s very late in the game and I apologize for the delayed notice, but I wasn’t sure if we’d be sold out or not so I didn’t post anything about it. It turns out that there are 26 slots filled for both days and we have room for 4 more people on Saturday and Sunday, so if you want to come click on the link below.
It says that Saturday is sold out but some folks switched to Sunday’s presentation so both are actually still open. Just leave notes in the comments section if you want to attend Saturday’s session. Both days will start at 10:00 a.m. and last til 5:00 p.m., and the cost is only $120 which is a steal if you ask me!
The attendees are mostly physios, but some personal trainers will be there too. My workshop doesn’t change much when talking to physios, trainers, or strength coaches. Everyone needs to know the basics of hip mobility and simple glute activation, as well as the more advanced methods of strengthening. It’s all a continuum. Hope to see you there! Cheers, Bret
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